Recruitment Novaculture Actualités

Focus on one of the three pillars of the 2030 strategy = Human Resources

The Novalliance group has defined a clear strategy for 2030 and relies on 3 key pillars: Digital, Conformity and Human Resources.

To reach the two objectives it has set itself, the Group needs all its employees, because it is THEM, every day, who are involved in the performance and success of Novalliance, thanks to their know-how and personal skills.

Each of them, in order to reach a good professional balance, has to satisfy several needs such as

  • Knowing the nature and purpose of their job
  • To be recognized and have a certain autonomy in their job
  • To perform a variety of tasks
  • To have a visibility on the evolution perspectives

“A happy employee will be a loyal and successful employee”


Several projects have been implemented this year to allow each employee to integrate and develop. For example, we can mention the implementation of a task force on the feeling of belonging, the sponsorship system, training for all and an integration program for all new arrivals.


Novalliance wants to highlight the work accomplished by the men and women of the Group. Job profiles will be produced to highlight the know-how of each person, thus providing a better understanding of the specificities of each job, the activities, and the general functioning of the Group.