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A governance that supports growth and innovation

The Novalliance group is made up of a Management Committee (CODIR) and three business committees (Novatech, Agroexcellence, Nova Industry) in charge of leading and deploying the strategy set for 2030. The CODIR’s role is to work on long-term strategy and to decide on the Group’s strategic directions. It meets once a quarter to take decisions related to the organisation and management of the activities.

To achieve the Group’s objectives, the CODIR relies on the three business line committees, each of which, in its own field of activity, draws up a roadmap for achieving the objectives.



Each business committee has its own vocation, each of them piloting and coordinating one or more core businesses:

  • The Agroexcellence committee guides and supervises the distribution strategy. This will essentially include managing the distribution companies (Partners) as well as network development via the creation of new Partners and the opening of new stores.
  • The Nova Industry committee leads and coordinates the strategy of industrial activities (seeds, other agricultural inputs, the public, professional…) and the brand strategy of the organization on different sites (Agrinova, Access, Jardinova, Jarditropic, Platinium, Technisem, Tropica).
  • The Novatech committee manages the technical job of the organization (laboratory, research, seed production, quality, phytopathology…).

Each employee is represented and listened to according to their core business.

In recent years, the Group’s growth has accelerated. Thanks to this governance, Novalliance is expanding into new markets while continuing to help farmers grow more and better crops.

“Good governance is the surest way to end poverty and support development ». Kofi Annan