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Novalliance: Deployment of the digital culture in Novalliance

Novalliance wishes to go still further in its digital transformation in order to continue to grow while preserving its assets, its market shares, … but also to be able to adapt to new expectations. To talk about its digital transformation, the slogan “Digital Vision” has been chosen.


How can we transform ourselves? An action plan has been drawn up for the coming years and has already started to be deployed at Group level since the beginning of the year. The objective is to work on this transformation through two pillars: improving the customer experience, and improving the employee experience internally and in the service of the customer. In order to achieve this and to create an emulation around this theme, several projects have already been launched such as the creation of a specific digital committee whose aim is to exchange, study and propose new ideas that could be developed at Novalliance. The development of a Technisem mobile application is also in development and will allow our customers, especially producers, to have a tool to help in the choice of a variety (choice by species, season, type of product, use, …). In order to go further in our digital transformation, a strategy on the different social networks where the group is present has been deployed (Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp business, Youtube).


Of course, many other projects will be deployed in the coming years.


What is important to remember is this new “Digital Vision” state of mind that is now being promoted inside Novalliance: to understand the challenges that revolve around digital and to keep in mind that tomorrow it is not only through varieties that the Group will distinguish itself, but also through an offer of complementary services. 

Novalliance a different world vision