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A website and an Instagram page dedicated to the passionate and curious of watermelon

At the end of last year, two Technisem collaborators wanted to set up a blog and an Instagram page to promote and federate a community of passionate people around watermelon.

In this context, an interactive blog in French Passion Pastèque was born at the end of December 2020 where professionals and lovers can share their know-how, get inspired by culinary trends, discover the uses and initiatives of producers and lover gardeners while being seduced by the fun activities to be discovered by all ages, from the youngest to the most creative adults! At the same time, they have also created a page on Instagram Passionpasteque_officiel to relay trends, recipes and initiatives, as well as the photo contests that they will be setting up regularly.

The Passion Pastèque project contributes to make discover all the secrets of this fruit so refreshing and popular all over the world!

Don’t hesitate any longer, come and discover and share your ideas by joining the network of contributors on but also on the Instagram account!